Security Tips
How To Reduce False Alarms: Read the manual, and ask questions. The leading cause of false alarms is when a client does not fully understand how their system operates.
Arming Your System: Your alarm system can be armed different ways. First is by entering your four digit access code (this will arm as well as disarm your alarm system). Second is by pressing the Quick Exit button. Third is by using the Stay Mode, this will allow you to walk around in your home without setting off your motion detectors. Remotely with a key fob carried on your key chain.
Keep Responders Updated: The responders are the people that will be called and informed of any alarm activity from your system in the event that your alarm should go off. It is important to keep your responder list updated. If someone on your responder list moves or changes their phone numbers be sure to update it with us at our office. Responders may be requested to meet police and allow entry if you are not available.
Leaving Town & Vacations: Are you going out of town? It’s always a good idea to inform your responders of the dates you will be gone, also any numbers you can be reached at in case of an emergency.
Multiple User Codes: Having multiple codes is a good idea for the babysitter, cleaning person, family members, or maybe someone that is coming over to watch your pet while you are away. Assigning a user code to a specific person is always a good idea for businesses with multiple key holders. Most alarm systems will allow for between 9 – 39 user codes (more on higher grade systems).
Secrets Alarm Companies Keep From Consumers
Are you stuck with us?
One common complaint from alarm system customers is that their alarm contracts renew automatically anywhere from 3 to 10 years, depending on the company. If you’re in a 3 year contract you could be hooked into another 3 year term at the end of the expiration date. We offer 1, 2 and 3 year agreements that renew only if the customer wants them to renew, and only for 1 year at a time.
Is your contract “for sale”
Most of the companies that offer “free security systems” are acting as brokers or “authorized dealers” for large national security companies. These “Broker” companies sell your monitoring contract to the highest bidder. The higher the monthly monitoring and equipment fee, the more valuable the contract. We do not sell our monitoring agreements. We pride ourselves on being local, family owned, sales, service, and installation company.
Is your alarm system really free?
If you remember the old saying, “there is no such thing as a free lunch,” it shouldn’t be hard to believe that there is no such thing as a “free” security system. The free alarm system has to be funded. If your equipment is “free”, more than likely, strings are attached. For example, to get your “free” alarm, you may have to sign a long-term and expensive monthly rate monitoring contract. We will sell a security system and install for a fair price, and from that point on you pay a low monthly rate for monitoring.
Is the company you hired really doing the install?
Most alarm companies are just dealers for the company they represent or will hire a third party retailer to perform the install. In most cases, the installer will show up without a company logo on their shirt or/and in their personal vehicle. We do not use sub-contractors for service or installation. Our technicians are company employees.
Who will perform service?
The company that installed the security system is usually not the same company that is providing service when you need it. Our technicians are company employees. The same technicians that install your security system are the same technicians that will provide any necessary service.
Does your credit score mean more than your safety?
Before installing a security system, most alarm companies will run a credit check to determine if you are “worthy” of protection. If you do not meet their minimum qualification, you may be faced with not being eligible for a system at all. We believe that everyone who wants or needs security service should be eligible to protect their home and family. For that reason, we will not run a credit check.